Today's experiment with the English style provided me the opportunity to get a measurement of my mustache span. When I took my measurements on May 29, 2013, my mustache width with was 4.25 inches. Now two months later is is 5.5 inches - or an increase of an 1.25 inches. If these figures are accurate, my hair growth rate is sightly faster than most at .625 inches a month while the average for most human hair is .5.
Update - the growth information is actually incorrect - based upon my July 5 blog entry, since the hair at the tips is growing in opposite directions, the growth is rate of individual hairs is half of the growth of the mustache. This means that the hair growth rate would be .3125 inches a month, not the .625 I posted above.
In reality, I don't think that these growth numbers are accurate. I think that one English style measurement can only be compared to another of the same style. Although the hairs are styled in an erect fashion, they still are not perfectly straight.
Since many sources say that it takes most men a minimum of 3 months to grow a true handlebar mustache I can use that as a benchmark, (and I am still over a week away from the milestone). With this photograph showing the graspable extremities approaching the width of my face, it shows at least an average - if not an above average - rate of growth.
From the looks of this picture, I have a face spanner when styled this way, though just barely - and if the camera was a bit farther away, perhaps it would show that I am not quite there yet. It certainly is not large enough to allow both sides to be viewed from behind my head.
English Style
While I did receive complements today on my mustache, including one from an older man who said, "I tried to grow a mustache like yours a long time ago, but could never get it to work", I think that the English Style is much better suited towards longer mustache where it can be truly awesome. I also see it as kind of a special occasion style rather than something for every day. But I will certainly style it this way occasionally. It's fun and different and a great way to flash the stache.