Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Capital Mustache

The other day, at the New Mexico State Capital (known as the Roundhouse) in Santa Fe, I saw this fine looking gentleman and took my picture with him.

Below the bust reads a plaque with the following:

Col. J. Francisco Chaves was born in Los Padillas, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, June 27, 1833. Served as Lietenant Colonel in Union Army under Kit Carson, was assisinated at 7 o'clock on the evening of Saturday November 26, 1904 at Pinos Wells Torrance County, New Mexico.

No other information was given on the assissination, but I suspect that mustache envy may have been a factor.

Wikipedia also provided this picture of his nice face spanner but made no mention of the motives of the mustache envy assassination:


  1. Hi John,
    Just discovered your blog last week. It's great, I actually read the whole thing. You've inspired me to let my mustache grow out a bit and see how it looks. Haven't done that for about 15 years and with your suggestions, am anticipating better results. Thanks.

  2. Love your blog, which now has me reconsidering my desire to grow a handlebar. I've tried twice in the past, but both times gave up after about a month. By the way, I hope your lack of recent posts simply means you've been busy and not that you've shaved it off! You have a great 'stache.

  3. Thanks guys, hope that you are enjoying your handelbars and thanks for the kind words. Let me know how it goes for you.
